Now most Americans have to ask, who is L.C. The plan went smoothly even though the same officials secretly watched James Rothschild and his brother Carl (who was in on the plot). Those who rebelled against the religious limitations of their day concealed their philosophic teachings under the allegory of gold-making. Not for another three years was he well and truly buried. This story could lead to all sorts of speculation. Morgan & Co. That same year Junius son, J.P. Morgan, became a junior partner in the firm. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD-CONTROL OVER SATANISM & WITCHCRAFT The great poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine (a Bankers son) said, Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet. (6) Following the cue of the Rothschilds, Heinrich Heme, a Jew, signed his name by drawing a Seal of Solomon. Donald Smiley dir. They are an institution in the conspiracy and, if one looks carefully, the path of their destructive reign can be followed through the history of the past 3 centuries. 1. THE ROTHSCHILDS AS "PROPHETS" ANOTHER GOD TOO CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD -connections to JWs, Mormons, and Judaism CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD-connections to secret societies CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD-management of the Catholic and Czars' wealth and the capture of the Orthodox Church's wealth. He also became a member of the Societe de Antiquites. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Jakub Frank - samozwaczy Mesjasz -", File:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1635.png, "FRANK, JACOB, AND THE FRANKISTS -", "Album Musical de Maria Szymanowska (review)", Adam Mickiewicz, Poet, Patriot and Prophet,, Converts to Roman Catholicism from Judaism, History articles needing translation from Polish Wikipedia, History articles needing translation from German Wikipedia, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles needing additional references from June 2014, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Nathan replied something to the effect of The Bank of England refused to take by bills, so I will not keep theirs. A meeting was quickly called and they decided that from then on the Bank of England would be pleased to cash any Rothschild check Nathans firm was named N.M. Rothschild and Sons. That the Archbishop and Lord of the Confederation of the Rhine, who ruled over sixteen German princes, and stood so high in Napoleons favor, should have shown so much good-will to the Jewish Mayer Amschel Rothschild at Frankfort, who, although now a rich man, had no daim to move in high and influential circles. Despite Dalbergs protection Mayer kept two sets of books, one inspectable and the other secret. The war had been financed by Rothschild agent, Bleichroder. As a rabbi, he spread ideals of peace and unity to his Atlanta congregation, despite hostile public responses. After J.P.s death a Morgan firm became Morgan, Stanley & Co. J.P. Morgan died in 1913. Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. Springs, who was both the biological father of Leroy Springs and Abraham Lincoln left an enormous amount of land in what is now Huntsville, AL to his son Abraham Lincoln. Chase Manhattan, dir AT&T, chnmn Cummins CFR, Brookings Inst Engine Co., Committee for Economic Develop, Michel C. Bergerac chrmn. Alphonse, of the New Trinity, was the 4th bead of the House of Rothschild. The banker is also honorary president to the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. Inside, the full, eclectic range of objects amassed by Jacob Rothschild's ancestors -- once unrivaled as the world's richest family, and today possessors of an unknown fortune -- become clear. To the elite the Holocaust was like shooting dead a herd of cattle to receive the insurance payment. BANKING: Mayer Amschel Rothschild was in charge of world banking. Only two Rothschilds, but not Jacob, appear on . Farben plants were not targeted by the bombing raids on Germany. The Rockefellers were Marrano Jews. (7) Amsel Rothschild is reported to have said, Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws. Such an abrupt shift in a stocks trading pattern is supposed to set off alarms with the Securities and Exchange Commission. So far I have seen only one book advertised (and I havent read it) which claims to expose the conflict between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers as a sham. Mullins claims Kuhn & Loeb had extended large short-term credits to Germany, and needed to ensure the repayment of these loans. In the anti-Napoleonic time period, the Rothschilds increased their wealth ten-fold. One Rothschild told Herzl he was an Englishman and proposed to remain one. The firm was re-named JS. DeGaulle of France was closely linked with several esoteric groups, and the Priere de Sion and Grand Orient Masons helped him to power in the 50s . The League was formed by Baron von Stein who was its principle protector. Thomas Frost wrote in SECRET SOCIETIES OF THE EUROPEAN REVOLUTION that The Initiations [into the second Tugendbund] multiplied rapidly, and the League soon numbered in its ranks most of the Councillors of State, many officers of the army, and a considerable number of the professors of literature and science. Each son entered the family business at the age of 12. Although the French Revolution frightened William it was a delight for Mayer. It is widely stated that he entirely regulates the rate of exchange in the City. U.S. Trust, granddgtr of fdr. He attended Eton College and Christ Church, Jacob Schiff came to the United States with Rothschild capital and took over control of a small jewish banking concern founded by two Cincinnati dry goods merchants Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. Lord Jacob Rothschild attends a private view of a new exhibition of sculptures on September 13, 2016 in London, England. The event was a great triumph, after 36 years, Mayer had finally done a significant job for the Prince. Germany. From the air, the construction forms a masonic square and compass. It was the symbol of Moloch, Ashtoreth, and others. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. Jacob Frank, original name Jacob Leibowicz, (born 1726, in Berezanka or Korolowka, Galicia, Pol. In 1816 he came out with a warning pamphlet Das Judenthum in der M[aurere]y (The Jews in Masonry). Speculative Masons are now said to be joining.., seeking more light on what are called the Lost Symbols of Masonry. After promoting and using the Swastika for years the Freemasons quit using it after Hitler. The ban was declared against 2,000 Jews in the city of Lvov in 1759, who were accused of belonging to the Frankist cult, an extreme sect of the Sabbateans. We can feel about it. Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers, 1878, p. 62. On the Inside hidden stairwells and other hidden features have been built in. When Christians can be arrested in Israel and abused, and Christians will not even stand up for their own kind, we can see how much hold the idea of the Chosen Race theory has over Christendom. The RIIA and its various branches such as the CFR are very powerful today. [4], Frank's imprisonment lasted thirteen years, yet it only increased his influence with the sect by surrounding him with the aura of martyrdom. Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) House of France. Another brother, Nathaniel, bought the renowned Mouton vineyards near Bordeaux. #1 Edmonds father, James, set up the James Mayer de Rothschild Hospital in Jerusalem in response to this problem. By and by another figure comes up to it. (11) Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat-of-arms. An excellent example of Rothschild power in the late 19th century is the families dealings with the Illuminati Habsburgs. Rothshild bought some at that price. The family tells a silly story about Nathan leaving for England to best an annoying English cotton trader, but I believe that Nathan was sent by Mayer with a specific purpose to establish power with the Rothschild network in that country. Neither returned, but a Vienna House had already been established, others would carry it on, under the direction of Salomons son, Anselm. The Payseurs have gone to extreme lengths to corrupt government documents, such as courthouse records. Is Tom Hanks Dead? In the first article I explained that they shared a residency in Frankfort, forever binding the two families. Their firm Drexel, Morgan & Co. -resided in an extravagant new building on Wall St., which is still Morgan headquarters today. Ferdinand also had a zoo. At 78, he remains chairman of Switzerland-based Rothschild Continuation Holdings and holds a position on the governing board of the World Jewish Congress. Its cover or front for the temple is that It is a winery. The RIIA is also sometimes called Chatham House. Those Rothschilds who have carried on the Rothschild name have had a higher visibility. Bertha was a powerful woman, and sole owner in 1902 of one of Germanys largest steel firms. The oldest known Rothschild went by the name of Uri Feibesch who lived in the early 16th century. In 1807 the second Tugenbund League was formed. Needless to say, the Baron Alfred was a man with flair. Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret society and it was kept secret for many years, in spite of its awesome power. Under the royal protection of Maria Theresa, Frank was also planting the seeds of insurrection and international intrigue. He could now advertise his horse (actually worth $20), as a horse he that he had paid over a quarter of a million dollars for. Jacob was born in Frankfort in 1847, and was sent by the Rothschild/Schiff network to America to make his fortune (Much like the Astors sent John Jacob Astor). The Delusion of British-Israelism. Who was Hitler? Prior to his time at Demeter Group, Mr. Frank worked at Wells Fargo. The humorous side of studying an elite IllumInati family is the biographers insistence on owing the familys ability to profit from circumstances as luck. They never seem to put two and two together. Frank inspired his followers through mystical speeches and epistles, in which he stated that salvation could be gained only by first adopting the "religion of Edom" and later adopting a future religion which Frank called daas (daat, or Knowledge in Hebrew). Several of their ancestors have been rabbis, so the occultism probably came in the form of Jewish Cabalism, Sabbatism, or Frankism. ex-Sec. NY: Charles Schribners Sons, p. 101. He apparently knew better. Unfortunately, many have been fooled into thinking that being devout and faithful to God is the source of religious fighting. It is used today as the symbol of Israel, but It is not Jewish. In his excellent book THE SIX-POINTED STAR, O.J. RCA, chairmn Cooper Industries. He was awkward when he spoke and he had a nasty temper. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. At this critical moment Jacob Frank came to Iwania, proclaimed himself as a direct successor to Sabbatai Zevi and Osman Baba, and assured his adherents that he had received revelations from Heaven. Follow The Mad Truther on The Baron Mayer de Rothschild was a member of Parliament (never made a speech), and loved horse breeding and racing. Rothschild has been given several titles in his lifetime. Why would a family of retail traders call themselves Bauer? (p.46) Their world was one of finance, politics and secrecy. The Rothschilds have several agents which their money got started and who still serve them well, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. Tucson, AR. Mickiewicz, Adam. When the French cut off trade with England prices on Imports soared. It goes without saying that It is Impossible to be a high level Satanist and not have MPD. One of the pall bearers had stumbled, the coffin had crashed Into a door and -Salomon had woken up! every ill wind of the 1790s seemed to blow good to the Rothschilds. The winds were so good that by the end of the decade they were established as a rich and independent family. He rode in on a wave of new found Rothschild power. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official. Pieces from Grace Powers' excellent 3-hrs documentary The Zion King, On the excommunicated Jewish Messiah Shabbetai Tzvi (ancestor of the Rothschilds), Shabbetai's so-called reincarnation Jacob Frank (ancestor of Princess Diana? But Bengie who was going to Pepperdine University was more interested in partying. What else can we do about it except laugh? He has held several important portfolios in many companies. The Duke of Wellington (soon to become Nathans friend) had British troops in Spain ready to attack France, only they lacked one thing hard cash (the armys financiers would not take paper money), but the government was very short on gold at the time. He then set up a money exchange bureau. There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. I believe, a light on the familys own opinions) answered the message with a refusal to intervene. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. Then Theosophical President Besant, who published the largest English paper strongly criticized British rule in her newspapers and eventually was arrested . Cromwell was financed by Jews, and helped the Jews gain power in England. Rothschild is the founder and President of RIT Capital and until 2019, he was its Chairman. Along with the other brothers he was constantly travelling through Europe. 48. pamphlet published by The American Defense Society Inc., 154 Nassau St., NY. It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International Affairs. 6. ALL members of the Illuminati are subjected to trauma-based mind-control. pp. The process to create National Socialism was to turn again to the Masonic Lodges and other esoteric secret Societies to get it done. Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO (born 29 April 1936) is a British peer, investment banker and a member of the Rothschild banking family. In the Rothschild tradition (as constituted by Mayers Will) of trying to keep everything within the family James married his niece, Betty Rothschild, the daughter of Salomon. In other words, Quigleys book must be taken with a grain of salt, it would be a mistake to believe it to be infallible or unbiased. The Jewish Connection. In a sense this made him the first finance minister of the Prussian Empire which was created by the Confederation. He became financier to the court, the financial overiord of Italy. Carl wound the Italian peninsula around his hand. He did business with the Vatican, and when Pope Gregory XVI received him by giving him his hand rather than the customary toe to kiss, people realized the extent of his power. It was greatly in part due to who owned and controlled the major newspapers in the 19th centuryJews and Masonsthat led the public to change.] The Theosophical Society is mostly to blame for Indias independence from Britian . Later on, I will discuss Gentz in further detail. His five sons have been called the Mayer brothers because they all shared that middle name: Amschel Mayer, Salomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalmann (Carl) Mayer, and Jacob (James) Mayer. Just like the excommunication practice, that still stands today, his ideology survived and went through a metamorphosis, then introduced again with the Sabbatean sect of the Donme, which is still active today in Turkey the same place where the original Sabbatean movement was formed. Even though successive revolutions would de-throne ruler after ruler, Rothschild power kept the family in control. Anselm Rothschild of the Vienna House was a shrewd playboy. As a young man Anselm was a bit wild and frivolous, so hi. The Anti-Talmudists presented their theses, which began the intense dispute. Bartholomew F. Moore, who was the private attorney for years to President Abraham Lincoln, was a blood relative of the Beatty family. Farben in 1928. Jacob Schiff gave a known $20 million to Lenin. Three cousins now ran the show Alphonse of the French House, Uonel of the English House and Anselm of the Vienna House the new trinity. It's not clear whether the man in the photo is Rothschild, who is shown below in what appears to be a more recent photo. In 1837 August Belmont came to the U.S., during the Panic of 1837. John Herries brought Gentz and the Rothschilds together. According to what the public was led to believe. Remember that LC. The old one, the Landgrave, would not be discarded, but they needed a younger, more political man who could be their key to controlling Europe. (45) Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhodes Round Table group which developed into the CFR. The main aim being the deliverance of Germany from French occupation. Graham in THE SIX-POINTED STAR: Not all the concentration camp victims were Jewish people. They became good friends and soon the Prince was close friends with most of the British House and others of the Rothschild clan, Including Nattys brothers, Alfred and Leo. Tragedy and Hope. What they witnessed when Satan showed up at the Rothschilds was that Satan appeared as an extremely beautiful man, except his hoofs would be cloven. It turned out that the Bank of California was like a piece of art to Rothschild. She became a celebrated soprano, while her twin brother David Lionel is a trustee at The Rothschild Archive London. Should there be a part 3 to this series, it will Investigate individual Rothschilds from the worid war era up into the modern day world, and their continuing involvement in the Illuminati. Edmond went on to marry a chorus girl named Nadine Actually, sources indicate that the Baron Edmond had wanted to give the Bank of California to his only son. (Photo by Paul Natkin/WireImage), The Revolutionary Marxist Agenda of Black Lives Matter, The Royal Rabbit Hole: Human Trafficking, Satanism and More, Hidden Mathematics Randall Carlson Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), F-18 fighter plane captures stunning UFO on video government admits UFO research is real, Huma Abedins Cousin Convicted Of Fraud With Russian Donald Trump, The Steve Lukather Interview: Secrets Behind the Songs. The foyer looks like the Inside of a snail or corkscrewy. Much of the furnishings were purchased by the Baroness Rothschild from the De Medicis. citizens aboard the ship of the voyages definite danger. The significance of this article lies in the fact that it shows Jacob Rothschild as a real majority owner of the company "Yukos". II to save the empire and prevent her colonies from independence. Green Shield was a dual residency and the other half was occupied by the Schiff family who were to play an important role later on as agents of the Rothschilds. After acquiring a little capital he branched out in oil. Metternich was a fierce enemy of the revolutionary fires that were spreading through Europe. The Mentmore Towers are still owned today by the son of Hannah, the current Earl of Roseberry. Three Germans on the Board of Governors were convicted as war criminals after the war, but the elite Americans fore-mentioned were not, even though they participated in the same criminal decisions as those who were punished. He made a large profit. These two cousins then called two French Rothschild cousins, who then called Edmond in Geneva, Switzerland for assistance. His half-brother is David Rothschild. Frank kept a force of armed men at his "court". THE ROTHSCHILDS: A FAMILY FORTUNE. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the worlds money. Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild. He has been associated with several other companies like BSkyB TV, Blackstone Group, RHJ International, and Council for the Duchy of Cornwall. During the Napoleonic conflict James had spent his time between London and Paris, supporting the Rothschilds network of illegal trade with England. Bk.NY. One of Anselms daughters also moved to England Alice. It is common knowledge that the powerful blows of Axis attacks in W.W. II struck the death blow to the British Empire, or so we are told. Career. (40) Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system. These revelations called for the conversion of Frank and his followers to the Christian religion, which was to be a visible transition stage to the future "das" or religion to be revealed by Frank. After World War I Britain ruled Palestine, and the Rothschilds ruled Britain. ]; they also understood how to make use of it. (p.47) [Somewhat akin to how money could be made off of knowing the future.] On August 3, 1914, even before the actual clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan and Company in New York suggesting the floatation of a loan of $100,000,000, a substantial part of which was to be left in the United States, to pay for French purchases of American goods. The Lusitania was a ploy. Yet Emperor Francis Joseph gave the Rothschilds ,,a special act of grace in 1887. from German by B.& B. Lunn). A further development of this was the Youth Peace Federation which consisted of the League of Youth of Community Church, Methodist Epworth League, NY District, Young Judea, and Young Peoples Fellowship of St. Phillips Parish (49) to name a few. Ring of Power II The Zion King Full documentary, Tags: british royal family, goldsmith, james goldsmith, princess diana, rothschild, rothschilds, zionism, zionists, The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche. Therefore, the secret esoteric gnostic and satanic societies along with the Illuminati helped create the Thule Gesellshaft (in English the Thule Society) . It was mostly in use during the bitter war between the Hasidim and its opposers since the 18thcentury until the 19thcentury. "Mickiewicz's Frankist origins were well-known to the Warsaw Jewish community as early as 1838 (according to evidence in the AZDJ of that year, p. 362). One biographer described him as punchy. It would have to be terrible, so that he could step in and bring miraculous order out of a world beaten into chaos by the worst war in history. The reason it seemed strange is that the mother country of Satanism and Witchcraft is Great Britian. Farben Company ,,Standard Oil Company sent $2,000,000 here in December, 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans limprove hydrogenation technology] ,,The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% year, but they could take nothing [earnings] out [except in goods]. The revolution marked the end of Metternichs Age and that same year insurrectors chased him and Salomon out of Austria. Jacob Rothschild If we can go some way to creating a vibrant anaerobic digestion industry here in the U.K., we will be reaching our goals both in terms of economics and the environment. The Phaser | November 2, 2017 Princess Di, Jacob Frank & The Windsor-Goldsmith-Rothschild Connection. . His plan was simply to extinguish revolution, and he began with Napoleon. The original idea was to create an international special interest group of advisors that would promote a New World Order, called the Institute of on International Affairs. People within the illuminati who have Rothschild blood are aware of their secret ancestry, but outsiders in the world are more often than not are never going to be told that they carry such powerful occult blood. In 1763 Mayer left Hanover to build his fortune in Frankfort. Austria had been warned. REVOLUTION: Illuminati Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was in charge of the Satanic . In 1973, the CEO of BankCal, De Bretteville sold Edmond Rothschild 300,000 shares of Bancal Tristate Corp., 22% of the holding company for the Bank of California. Were the victims of the Nazis someones sacrificial offerings? I believe they were. Jacob Frank got rich in 1786 and he moved his sect to Offenbach, in Frankfurt, the home of Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt. 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Geico Corporate Office, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Dynamic Systems Theory, Articles J